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Leadership Coaching

cpd courses by andy vass

“Coaching with Andy Vass has been crucial to my success as a Head.”

D. Morton, Head Teacher, Hounslow

About this type of coaching

My approach is very flexible and I’m happy to provide coaching support by phone, Teams or Zoom if long distance or busy diaries prevent us meeting in person.

Everyone’s needs are different, for example you may like to have:

  • A regular session over time at your discretion
  • A number of sessions close together followed by a periodic “top up”
  • A single focused session.

There is no commitment to “sign up” for any set period. You remain totally in charge what works for you.

Purpose of the coaching

As a leader, you will be judged on the back of results generated by others. An essential test of your leadership, therefore, will be your ability to help those people become stronger and more capable themselves. To do this consistently well you will need:

  • Reflective practice
  • Self awareness
  • Time to think both critically and imaginatively
  • The ability to regularly ‘disconnect’ from the relentless busyness that many leaders experience.

My Leadership Coaching will help you do this to best effect, enabling you to achieve the results you want for your educational setting. It works by facilitating your own learning and unlocking your full potential.

Benefits of coaching

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With Leadership Coaching you upgrade or enhance your skills through:

  • Clarifying direction and thinking – What is your preferred future?
  • Creating a strategy for action – What are the key steps to success?
  • Rehearsing ‘how’ to achieve your goals
  • Becoming a more influential communicator
  • Strengthening performance levels
  • Improving relationships
  • Mastering your own psychology
  • Overcoming or dissolving limiting beliefs
  • Becoming more influential in communication
  • Affirming and internalising your resources
  • Creating more valuable ‘self talk’
  • Using your imagination positively and more effectively
  • Thinking more clearly and creatively
  • Being more solution oriented
  • Becoming a ‘possibility thinker’.

What you can expect from me as your coach

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My coaching approach is solution focused and non–directive. I don’t believe in single ideologies or narrow definitions. I view coaching as a high quality learning conversation. For me it’s most important to remain flexible to meet your needs and objectives rather than apply generic models.

A solution orientated attitude focuses on amplifying your strengths and enhancing your resources to generate the behavioural shifts or belief changes that are most valuable to you. I offer appropriate degrees of challenge and accountability to balance the support and encouragement so that you can resolve issues briefly and effectively.

Simply call me to explore how useful it would be for us to work together.

There is no formula to this – only unique dialogue.

There is no long term obligation – you control your investment of time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Client testimonial

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“On taking up my new Headship, coaching with Andy has been crucial to my success. I leave each session feeling resourceful and confident. I’m learning to use my imagination more creatively to build preferred futures for the school and staff. And significantly, I am encouraged and empowered to develop my own solutions. What has been particularly valuable has been ‘thinking out loud’ with someone who has no vested interest or agenda other than to help me succeed and with whom you can be authentically yourself.” D Morton, Headteacher

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You'll learn how to ...

  • Become a ‘possibility thinker’
  • Clarify your direction and thinking about your preferred future
  • Create a strategy for action and identify the key steps to your success?
  • Rehearse how to achieve your goals
  • Become a more influential communicator
  • Strengthen your performance levels
  • Improve your relationships
  • Master your own psychology
  • Overcome or dissolve limiting beliefs
  • Affirm and internalise your resources
  • Create more valuable ‘self talk’
  • Use your imagination more positively and effectively
  • Think more clearly and creatively.